From: Michel Noddy
To: Anne
Subject: i've come home.
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 05:58:35

hi, Anne

(this letter might be long as you would not read it till next tuesday and
i have so many things to write.)

thank you very much for your mails dated august 24, 28, and 29.
especially the 24. you*ve changed your nickname and that*s not so bad.
that is, your "do-you-happy" must be dropped on me and it had been
accomplished. if it is so, i am thankful to you that you kindly served
the name for me separately.

it was august 21, 1999 when we met at the chat room of AFF named "the
garden ", where after a while i entered into the room, you noticed me and
make the first greeting. as i said in my first letter, i was in a little
discouraged mood and decided to stay lurker in the room. but you
talked to me from you!

i remind your behavior at the room. i thought that you were the person
of open mind for you had sent greetings to any new-comers including
women. i was impressed very much looking at you for all of others were
just only "men seeking women" or "women seeking men". your email
address was wrong and my first mail to you returned to me as address
unknown. but i luckily could find your correct address from the AFF
members reference.

in these days, i worked hard, red and wrote no mails because our
telephone company had cut the contact of my telephone line. today i
paid out 2 months payment for their service and they retrieved my line
at once. i hurried home and found your 3 mails coming down to my
in-box. (i had run to my bank yesterday, too, but the bank was closed.)

now i can smile to you saying "i am so happy now ^__^" as i received
your hot mails. unbelievable 3 mails! it is cloudy today but i have
forgotten the weather for these days for i did not go out from the room
even single step and didn*t care what the sky was. i was surely busy
for i just had made a big discovery in mathematics for the term to be
celebrated of telephone line closed.

i have not told the fact that i accomplished the big mathematical
discovery to anyone except one of my friends who had visited me a few
days ago but showed almost none of interests in that, drink beer
a little talking about himself and returned. so you are the first to
hear from me the fact and i think that it does not occur by chance.
that is, you are the person to be so, i believe.

my discovery regards to graph theory, a sub-domain of discreet
mathematics. following is the problem.

"prove that every 2-tough graph is hamiltonian"

a graph G is t-tough if, for every vertex cut S, the number of components
of G-S is at most |S|/t. for example, every hamiltonian graph is at least

this problem is raised by Chvatal in 1971 and called Chvatal*s
conjecture. the problem had been unsolved till 1997 when Hajo
Broersma showed examples of t-tough nontraceable graphs for
arbitrary t<9/4. (i have not red this paper, or maybe not published yet.)

the url bellow will show you the listing of unsolved famous problems in
graph theory named unsolved 50.

we finally found that there exist arbitrary t-tough non-hamiltonian
graphs of n-dimension grid graphs with odd vertex.

are you listening? ok.

in the summer of 1996, i spent all of the time of 50 days or more to
search the counter example of Chvatal*s conjecture and failed. the
summer was surely very hot and hard time. i had a limitation of time to
be used free. i called the job as boar hunting for chasing the wounded
wild boar in the deep mountain, i slept on the grass at night, got up very
early in the morning, and ran all around under the star-full sky till i fell
down to the ground. (in the last summer i similarly spent all of the time
chasing a woman*s hip and also failed.)

this is the return much for me and the victory have come all too soon.
we already found that an odd vertex grid graph is inevitably non-
hamiltonian in january 1996 but knew nothing about the concept
"toughness". we also had known "it is easy to extend grid graph to
arbitrary n-dimension". apparently we guessed the problem too harder
than necessary. the fact is that it is as easy as an elementary school boy
can solve.

for the present i have no way to publish this knowledge for i have almost
no contact with their academic world. but recently i found a mailing-list
group in the web learning "edge-theory" or unsolved problems in
mathematics. i have not yet posted any mail to the list but i have the
confidence that it will be the place where i get along hereafter.

(i have just red through this mail from the first now and find there is an
misunderstanding at the first line. it is monday today so you can read
this mail tomorrow! wow! i have thought until now that we can*t meet till
next week. that is why i attempted a long letter but now i continue
this letter till tomorrow comes.) with my clock, it is already the

i have written that you are the first person to hear the fact from me, but
today several hours before, one more friends of mine came to my room
and i told him this fact. at the time i already put down the line that you
are the person so it is very important for me that he also heard nothing
from me. i believe that this is surely a great discovery but he was not
moved at all.

i have returned to the AFF page and found you visited your profile on
august 29, that is the sunday of your sorrow. i also went to my profile
and found that you have come to know my real age and anything else.
you, liu chun yan, said "the life of ours is so short...". this "ours" means
"humankind" here, but it is heard with me "we, you and me".
i love your name. i sounded your name to said my friend.
currently he got acquainted with a chinese young women working in japan
but it seems his unrequited love.

since i received your egreeting-card, i changed my english punctuation
style a bit. i always had put one space before *?* or *!* for no space
seemed a little constrained for me. (probably japanese may be overly
fond of cleanliness.) when i looked at your punctuation marks on your
card, i felt them comfortable and lovely. your *?* a little leaned towards
right but never apart at the root.

now let*s go to my kitchen. i can cook terribly fast almost about 3 to 10
minutes as you pointed out right. yesterday i purchased a bottle of
brayed garlic, instant noodle and a bundle of leaf onion. this noodle can
be served only by pouring hot water. hot water is anytime ready in the
electric jar.

it will be fine day today.
so long chun! young sparrow flying so high.

M.N. 98/8/31